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  • Havdalah (After Shabbat)
    Behold, G-D is my salvation, I trust in G-D and do no fear, for he is my strength and my song, and Adomia has brought about my deliverance.

    And you will draw water with joy from the wells of salvation. Deliverance belongs to Adonia, the blessing on your people, selah.

    Adonia of all forces is with us, the G-D of Jacob is a fortress for us, selah.

    Adonia of all forces, fortunate is the one who trusts in you. Adonia, deliver us, the Sovereign, answer us on the day we call. For the Jews, there will be light and joy, gladness and honor. So be it with us. I will raise up the cup of deliverance and in the Name of Adonia, I will call:

    *lift cup of wine*

    Barukh atah Adonia, Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam, borei p'ri hagafen (Amein)
    (Blessed are you, L-RD our G-D, King of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.)

    *lift container of spices*

    Barukh atah Adonia, Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam, borei minei v'samim (Amein)
    (Blessed are you, L-RD our G-D, King of the universe, who creates various spices.)

    *Smell spices and pass around.*
    *Hold hand out to light*

    Barukh atah Adonia, Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam, borei m'orei ha'eish (Amein)
    (Blessed are you, L-RD our G-D, King of the universe, who creates the light of the fire.)

    *Raise wine cup (again)*

    Blessed are you, L-RD our G-D, king of the universe, who distinguishes between the holy and the ordinary, between light and darkness, between Israel and the other peoples, between the seventh day and the six days of work. Blessed are you, Adonia, who distinguishes between the holy and the ordinary.

    *drink wine*
    *After wine has gone around, pour wine into the bowl and extinguish the candle with the wine.*
    *Sing Elijah the Prophet*

    Eliyahu hanavi
    Eliyahu hatishbi,
    Eliyahu, Eliyahu, Eliyahu hagil'adi.
    Im mashiach ben David
    Im mashiach ben David
    Eliyahu hanavi
    Eliyahu hatishbi,
    Eliyahu, Eliyahu, Eliyahu hagil'adi.

    May the one who makes a distinction between holy and ordinary forgive our sins. Let our offspring and our wealth increase like sand and like the stars of night. A good week, a week of peace, may gladness reign and joy increase. Amen.


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